AI Personalization and Unified Analytics for video services. All-in-One solution.


Explore our unique tailored
solutions for diverse industries
and goals.


Elevate your strategies with professional support in Marketing,
Data Analysis, Content Curation, and Editorialization.

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Jump, The Discovery Platform

Jump, The Discovery Platform, is the innovative merger of jump Discovery and jump GenAI, an ALL-IN-ONE platform for AI-based Personalization, Data-Driven Editorialization, and Analytics. This platform relies on Artificial Intelligence to enhance how streaming services personalize content for their viewers. 
The Jump Discovery personalization and editorialization platform empowers video services to fine-tune their content offerings and enhance the user experience, ensuring that every viewer finds content that resonates.


By leveraging Artificial Intelligence, we help streaming platforms unlock new levels of engagement and satisfaction, making the search for the perfect watch a seamless and intuitive journey.
We deliver personalized viewing experiences, matching content to individual preferences for our viewers.
Take control of content curation. Customize editorial and AI carousels for tailored streaming experiences that captivate viewers.
Optimize your platform’s search with AI-powered multi-language capabilities.
Seamlessly navigate diverse content libraries with precision and efficiency.
Utilize AI tagging to enrich content and enhance discovery capabilities by attaching meaningful labels to video content.
This facilitates seamless exploration and improved discovery experiences
We provide real-time analytics, helping our clients understand their streaming performance
for better content and viewer experiences.
Our consulting service dedicated to data-driven marketing, data analysis, and content creation,
helping businesses use data to improve their marketing efforts.
Personalized content recommendations through natural language interactions.
It’s content discovery, reimagined.
JumpGenAI is our suite of Generative AI products designed to revolutionize content discovery, creation, and in-content personalization, pushing today’s boundaries for video services.
Production of captivating promotional materials featuring lifelike avatars, streamlining the way content creators and streaming services connect with audiences.
DreamStream leverages the latest in Generative AI technology to drastically reduce time-to-production costs while increasing the options to adapt content to individual preferences and trends.

Our Solutions

We bring our expertise across borders, catering to diverse industries and varied business requirements.

For Streaming Services

For Fast Channels

For Operators

For Sports

Our Customers

We’re proud to work alongside with top players in the streaming and content industries. 
Together, we’re on a mission to delivering top-notch video experiences to a global audience.

Why Choose Us

An ALL-IN-ONE platform for AI-based Personalization, Data-Driven Editorialization, and Analytics
Ensuring every video user finds the right content at the perfect time, mood, and device

Flexibility and Agility

Smoothly handling intricate integrations and tailoring data architecture for each video service’s specific needs.
Proven technology paired with unparalleled video business expertise
Our 7+ years of experience in overseeing high-quality video services equips us with the expertise to effortlessly welcome new clients on board.

We merge technology and expertise to amplify your business.

Let's Work Together!

Let´s team up and create impact for your business.