Pioneering in 
data center


Pioneering Infrastructure

Management for Data Centers

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Going beyond

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Life on
the Edge

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RiT Tech is a provider of:

Data Center Infrastructure Management 


An intelligent software platform for comprehensive physical data center infrastructure management.

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Automated Infrastructure Management


Integrating ICT hardware and software systems to monitor and provide real time physical infrastructure connectivity detection and alerts.

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Connectivity & Structured 

Cabling Solutions

RiT Tech produces end-to-end high-performance cabling solutions that embody the latest advances in high-bandwidth technology and POE support.

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Universal Intelligent 

Infrastructure Management (UIIM)

UIIM aims to empower Infrastructure 

and Operations (I&O) leaders and take 

infrastructure management to a new level.



A practice, comprising methodologies and guidelines for effective and efficient federated data center infrastructure management

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There are myriad reasons for repositioning the concept of DCIM but chief among them is that data centers have never had a solution that delivered on the promise of effectively managing data center assets, resources and operational workflows.

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UIIM is designed to provide a framework for a multi-faceted view of all the activity that is taking place in the data center facility including the basic space, power and cooling resources but far more as it integrates with the IT equipment and networks assets down to individual ports and cables. 

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Introducing our UK & Ireland Business Development Director, Dorian Olariu
By Scott Jordan 28 May, 2024
Introducing our UK & Ireland Business Development Director, Dorian Olariu
By RiT Admin 14 May, 2024
Jeff Safovich, Chief Technology Officer at RiT Tech, sits down with DCR to discuss how AI can help improve efficiency and reduce risk for data centre operators, the company’s XpedITe’s AI provisioning module, and the challenges facing the sector. DCR: XpedITe’s AI provisioning module is the reason that RiT Tech has been shortlisted for the ER & DCR Excellence Awards DCIM Solution of the Year. How would you describe its value to data centre operators and owners and how different is it from other DCIM platforms? JS: RiT Tech’s XpedITe software platform is quite different from traditional DCIM solutions; we actually don’t even like the traditional term DCIM. We are developing a newer, more comprehensive approach for data centre infrastructure management, which we call ‘UIIM’: Universal & Intelligent Infrastructure Management. This is an evolution of traditional DCIM. XpedITe is our tool, our software platform, built based on the methodologies of UIIM. It’s different to other DCIM platforms in many ways. First of all, traditional DCIM platforms rely a lot on manual planning, manual work, manual calculations – which is a good thing, but I believe today in today’s era, with innovative and modern technologies, there is so much room for improvement. XpedITe includes an AI-powered provisioning model, which is built to automate the entire process of planning all the changes, all the installations, the smooth installs of servers and IT equipment in an automated and sophisticated way. So that not only removes human error, which is very significant and very important, but it also can do it in a much more comprehensive way. One reason for this is that the XpedITe AI provisioning model is integrating with legacy and existing third-party software systems and hardware equipment, such as CMDB, BMS, EMS, ticketing systems. It takes all the information from all of these systems together to build a comprehensive model of the entire environment. Then based on that model, it makes the whole planning and optimisation of resource use much more effective and efficient. Now, not only does it take into account the current state of the data centre, it looks into the future. We have a machine learning based model which predicts the future state of the data centre and then this automated provisioning planning takes into account the future evolution of the data centre infrastructure, and that makes the whole planning much more future resilient. In addition to that, one of the main capabilities of this provisioning module is its automated workflow functionality. Not only does it plan how the infrastructure should look after provisioning, it also plans all the steps and activities to be done in between by the technicians in order to facilitate the management and actual execution of the provisioning workflow. The model is fully compliant with organisational policies and also with industry standards. So not only does it make the data centre more resilient against downtime, and not only does it help in making the planning more efficient and much faster, but it also aligns the look and feel of the infrastructure in the data centre with how the data centre wants their infrastructure to be built in terms of length of cable; in terms of compliance with the capacities of resources being used; the power, cooling, space, networking. All of that is done automatically by this AI powered provisioning model. DCR: How will this specific module improve data centre operations in terms of minimising downtime and helping support operators and owners in meeting their SLAs? JS: In a recent report by Uptime Institute, they pinpointed that one of the main reasons for downtime in data centres is human error. We rely so much on human planning, human work, human analysis, human comprehensive vision – which was the best we could do until recently. As a result of that, many errors occur and that causes a lot of problems, such as downtime and shortages. The XpedITe provisioning AI module specifically targets this challenge by reducing the human error. It takes into account all sorts of considerations which a human being cannot possibly think of, all at the same time. And thus, it makes the whole process of installs, moves, adds and changes – what is called the IMAC – much more human error resilient. In addition to that, it also improves the whole efficiency of the data centre. It actually saves about 95% of time on planning provisioning steps; it reduces it by a factor of 20. It reduces the likelihood of over-utilising resources, and that is achieved by looking at all of the comprehensive constraints within the data centre infrastructure, and the data from all possible sources (the hardware equipment; the software systems which are already installed) and then taking them all into account, it adjusts the balancing of resource utilisation. By balancing the resource utilisation, it not only reduces the utilisation of power and energy, but also makes the data centre more stable and resilient. It is taking into account the predictive state of the future of the data centre, and thus makes operation more reliable, improving the SLA and reducing unplanned downtime. DCR: In your recent article, ‘Unleashing the power of AI in data centres: A path to sustainability’, you noted that innovations like this will improve efficiency and reduce compliance risk for operators and owners. Can you describe how XpedITe is improving operations and financial KPIs, as well as its potential impact on environmental goals? JS: XpedITe improves the time it takes to consider all the challenges and constraints needed to be taken into account by a factor of 95%. So that improves the efficiency of just the manual work. In addition to that, it empowers people, because it not only aids their planning, it also highlights all the possible hotspots with high potential risk, combining all the resources being utilised at the same time. So as a result of that, it makes the human much more effective and efficient in the work they do, being empowered by this module. The financial impact is also significantly leveraged by making the energy utilisation more efficient. It adds additional cost saving and as a result, better CAPEX and OPEX in utilising better equipment thanks to this automated planning and automated provisioning – and it also eventually saves on the daily power utilisation. One significant factor is in reducing the frequency and severity of outages and downtime. It’s commonly known today that shortages cost fortunes for data centres. It’s actually one of the main factors of their losses in terms of ROI and in terms of financial impact. So, reducing such shortages by frequency and also severity is a major contribution to the financial consideration and ROI. In terms of an environmental impact – it’s very important, especially these days. We have climate challenges, net zero, and a pact by the EU, so that it’s not just the large data centres that are now obliged to comply with various legislations and regulations around sustainability management, sustainability reporting and optimisation. They also have their own corporate agendas. I would say that’s an evolution; more and more data centres are realising the importance of putting sustainability on their agenda, on their strategic list of goals. Tools like the XpedITe provisioning AI module help them to track sustainability, and also make reporting much easier and more comprehensive and compliant with the industry standards and regulations, such as the EED and CSRD reporting. It also helps specifically with making sustainability better, not just by counting KPIs and the metrics, but actually by improving the power utilisation and as a result of that, also the carbon footprint. Not only within the realm of power; that also goes for water utilisation and even with IT equipment utilisation, so all the KPIs, such as the ITU, could be improved as well, with standard considerations for sustainability, such as the PUE – which was the main KPI till now. DCR: What other AI-powered modules are you looking to introduce and why – particularly in terms of sustainability? JS: We have quite a comprehensive roadmap driven by the UIIM, the Universal Intelligent Infrastructure Management practice – by the way, that’s a practice we are not developing just by ourselves; we have a comprehensive forum of industry experts, including data centre operators, integrators, consultants, and the end-users. So together with them, we are developing this concept, the principles of the UIIM ­– and the roadmap for AI development is actually deriving from this long-term vision, long-term goals and a roadmap of the UIIM. One of these models is data validation AI. One of the challenges today in relying on any type of data in data centres is how accurate the data is. It appears that often, the data is not so accurate, and assuming that there are multiple perspectives of data being inaccurate, they’re starting from conflicting data coming from different data sources. So, you need to identify which data is correct and identify the discrepancies. In many cases, data is just missing. There are gaps – be it in the type of data, or some of the metrics are just missing or the data is not measured within the proper boundaries defined by the industry standards. So data validation AI is one of the models we are about to introduce. Another one is a proactive reprovisioning. Proactive reprovisioning is a whole new approach to how data centres are structured or how we believe should be managed today. Any change, any proof, any type of provisioning, any type of planning within the data centre is driven by a proactive approach, e.g we have this new request, so we need to make this or that change today, or there is an issue, a problem, a downtime or some other external factor, which requires us to make any type of change. So it’s all reactive, it’s all a response to whatever is going on outside. Now we believe that we’ve come to a new era when such management should become proactive. So, with this new proactive reprovisioning model, not only will it be possible to plan the changes based on their specific requirements and needs and as a response to a particular downtime or other challenge, but also the system will automatically proactively look into the data centre, it will analyse the level of probation, the SLA, the resilience, it will look at all the factors and the resource utilisation. It will consider the temperatures, it will consider the speed of fans, it will consider performance even on the CPU level. And taking all of that into account, it will identify the A) risks and B) inefficiencies. So based on this, the system will be able to identify such future potential risks in advance and proactively come up with recommendations to make specific changes before these risks are realised as actual problems. Proactively reprovisioning will be coming up with suggestions and recommendations to make specific minor changes within the equipment and these changes will not only prevent potential risks, but they will also optimise the whole efficiency and the operation of the data centre infrastructure. These are two of the models, among others, that we are about to introduce to the market in the future. DCR: So looking to the future, what do you think are going to be the main challenges facing the data centre industry? JS: One of the main challenges that all of us are familiar with is bridging the siloes. It’s a challenge within data centres which has been spoken about a lot. We can see even now that, for example, the facility and the IT teams are usually operating completely separately from each other. So the whole optimisation, consideration and planning of one of these teams is not aligned with the challenges, needs, constraints and considerations of the other. So bridging between the silos is definitely one of the challenges and we believe it should be addressed on all possible levels, starting from the strategic planning of the organisation and the management, then taking that down to technology and actual cooperation between the teams. Another challenge we see a lot, especially these days when sustainability has become one of the main topics being considered and addressed – we see that some organisations are focusing on ticking the box. We need to be compliant with sustainability reporting regulations, such as the EED, which is definitely very important because that will create a whole new level of transparency and awareness in the industry. But we believe that this is not enough. If we really want to address sustainability as a whole and dedicate to the net zero goal, corporations have to go beyond just ticking the box and just reporting on this minimal set of sustainability reporting required by the EED and the CSRD in Europe, as well as some other standards in the United States. Companies should define their organisational strategy and address sustainability as a business project with measurable ROI. They should also leverage innovative tools. I actually cannot stress enough the importance of leveraging modern technologies. We see that even today, on the market, many tools exist working in the old era, and many of the technologies and tools are still focusing just on the monitoring and reporting which is, of course, very important – however, not sufficient. Today technologies have so much more to offer. So I believe that data centre operators should start looking into the future of data centre infrastructure management, and consider how they want to see their data centre in the next few years. The transcript of this video interview has been lightly edited for clarity.
By RiT Admin 13 May, 2024
RiT Tech’s pioneering DCIM platform, XpedITe, is advancing data center management through the Universal and Intelligent Infrastructure Management (UIIM) framework, driving operational efficiency, sustainability compliance and streamlining business. As data centers continue to grow in complexity and scale, the challenge of effective and efficient operational management is shifting data center infrastructure management from a suite of heterogeneous single vendor software platforms and the much-used Excel spreadsheet to a unified data store that can be customized to the bespoke needs of owners and operators. With the growth of diverse data center facilities that are consuming much more power than ever before, mergers and acquisitions that are boosting data migration, new investors adopting the owner-operator model and the growing intensity of sustainability obligations, the demand for an intelligent and universal data center infrastructure management platform has never been more apparent. UIIM transcends the traditional capabilities of DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management) and RiT Tech’s groundbreaking DCIM platform, XpedITe, exceeds the consequential needs in digital transformation. What are the limitations of traditional DCIM? Unfortunately, the DCIM concept has misled the market as merely a monitoring or asset management tool, as opposed to the vision of providing a holistic view of the data center’s performance – energy, equipment, floor space. Many legacy DCIM tools are also attached to a hardware vendor’s solution or have been designed to deliver for specific data center environments. These are becoming less relevant in the effective management of data center operations, especially in the light of new compliance such environmental standards. Multi-faceted systems that can address the entire estate from the facility to the IT network are now proving invaluable. The old DCIM principles have long been criticized due to their lack of operational management capabilities, minimal automation, inability to integrate with other vendors and hardware systems, insufficient predictive analytics, and a general failure to deliver on user expectations. RiT Tech’s innovative research and development programme has been the catalyst for introducing the UIIM framework. For more than 10 years, XpedITe has been built on the need and capabilities of effectively bridging the gap left by conventional DCIM tools. How XpedITe is supporting data center operators and owners XpedITe is an advanced data center infrastructure management system (DCIM) which gives our clients a real solution that connects the facility’s infrastructure, IT and network and business processes in one platform. This flagship platform, XpedITe, embodies the principles of Universal Intelligent Infrastructure Management (UIIM) – a pioneering practice introduced by RiT Tech that goes beyond traditional DCIM limitations. XpedITe offers a comprehensive suite of capabilities, including asset management, connectivity management, capacity planning, and intelligent automation. With a committed focus on sustainability, our platform also plays a pivotal role in enabling green data center initiatives, optimizing resource utilization, and minimizing environmental impact. Using AI-powered modules, XpedITe provides real-time monitoring, management of all assets and workflows, automating orchestration across all the data center layers. - The physical layer gives the ability to collect data from facilities physical assets, through BMS Systems (Building Management System) or independently connected critical infrastructure equipment by using a wide range of protocols. - In the data center layer, our customers have complete visibility to effectively manage their grey space and whitespace and their technology stack. XpedITe visualizes everything from the power supply to network ports, cabinets, servers, environmental and switches. - The IT layer supports the management of logical assets, software-defined infrastructure, and virtualization technology. - The application layer facilitates integration with business applications ITSM (IT Service Management), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), CMDB (Configuration Management Database), Resource Management – ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), among others, creating a natural synergy between applications, integrating, enhancing and simplifying workflows, automation and collaboration, enabling even full remote management through alignment with smart hands teams in global organizations. “There are many reasons why the globe’s leading financial services, governments, enterprise and colocation operators use our product, it is not only safe and secure but significantly reduces man hours in operational management. From AI-provisioning to automating install, moves, adds and changes, XpedITe is a robust repository for the data center estate’s and operations entire orchestration.” As a unique platform, XpedITe’s seamless integration capabilities leaves traditional DCIM behind XpedITe’s open architecture and modular design principle ensures it can seamlessly integrate with third-party software systems, including ITSM, BMS, EMS (Energy Management System) and CRM solutions. This interoperability is vital for creating a clear view across all data center operations, eliminating data silos and facilitating cross-departmental collaboration. The customizable nature of XpedITe is unmatched in the industry, it can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of your data center, regardless of the existing infrastructure setup. A good example is a recent project where we integrate some measurements from two different BMS systems, while other critical M&E equipment is monitored by direct reading. The project also includes a process orchestration with ITSM-CMDB leader provider platform, adding automation and accuracy to workflows and corporate database. Integration with corporate inventory tool and our Warehouse module will add more automation in a second phase. Artificial Intelligence is Driving Efficiency in Provisioning One of the transformational features of XpedITe is its AI-driven provisioning system. This advanced technology streamlines the install, moves, adds, and changes requirements of the physical assets within a data center, significantly reducing the time and potential for error associated with manual interventions. AI provisioning in XpedITe intelligently plans and executes tasks based on organizational policies and compliance standards, ensuring that every decision aligns with the overarching business strategy and sustainability objectives. Driving Sustainability in Data Center Operations is Easier with a Software Platform Sustainability is at the heart of our innovation. XpedITe is designed with compliance in mind, offering tools and metrics to effectively manage and report on energy efficiency, water usage, and overall environmental impact. The most recent application and use cases are focused on the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). You can read the white paper here [link] Building Trust Through Innovation and Reliability RiT Tech’s XpedITe journey began with a clear understanding of the limitations inherent in traditional DCIM solutions. Today, XpedITe is unique and market leading. An innovative DCIM solution, designed using UIIM concept, XpedITe is delivered with confidence with an ability to revolutionize the way data centers are managed. RiT Tech is not just a software vendor; we are your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of data center management. Through the UIIM framework, we offer innovation, sustainability, and operational excellence in the ever-evolving landscape of DCIM solutions.

XpedITe goes beyond DCIM

The only DCIM tool on the market which connects
infrastructure and network in one platform

Key Features


Asset Management creates and maintains an accurate real-time database, documenting all infrastructure...

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XpedITe uses any and all data gathered from IT, M&E, monitoring and others to provide capacity management...

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Auto-Discovery & Network Topology Evaluation

XpedITe automates the process of discovery and tracking of all network components...

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Connectivity Management

Understanding power and network connectivity through a comprehensive visualization of the entire site infrastructure...

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XpedITe helps data center planners and managers to identify risks, lack of redundancy...

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Provisioning & Work Orders

The XpedITe Platform provides full-featured provisioning and work order management...

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XpedITe provides 2D and 3D visualization of the entire power chain within a data center...

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Workflow, Automation
& Artificial Intelligence

XpedITe enables you to automate IMAC (Install-Move-Add-Change) management...

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Our multi award-winning XpedITe provides the integration capabilities needed to enable Universal Intelligent Infrastructure Management (UIIM)



“The value that RiT Tech and their DCIM software, XpedITe has brought to our operations is not only top-level technology and high quality products but the most important achievement is the impact it has had on our day-to-day provisioning and work orders. Through the software, we can design and simulate all connectivity tasks that are integrated with our intelligent hardware - avoiding human error and making our operations safe and efficient.”

- Ms. Zhao, Chief Technical Officer, Beijing Metro Network Control Center



XpedITe Software - Integration, Customization and Automation




From one exemplar digital leader to another - according to our clients, XpedITe is the only software system worth considering for operating, managing, and running your data center operations.

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XpedITe Modules




Read about the many modules offered by XpedITe - the award winning data center infrastructure management software. From asset management to power & automated hardware provisioning & work orders.

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RiT Tech & XpedITe in Brief




RiT Tech are pioneers of Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM), Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) and a global provider of cabling and connectivity. 

Through all three solutions, RiT Tech provides holistic solutions for all physical aspects of data center operations.

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XpedITe Software - Integration Capabilities Overview




The XpedITe platform integrates with a variety of different devices and software systems in a data center which is critical for effective data center management. From the outset, our platform has been built with the ability to integrate in mind - this is one of the cornerstones for the successful deployment of XpedITe.

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