We offer a range of fire equipment testing services designed to assist Fire Companies in the preventative care of their fire safety equipment.

We test the following fire safety equipment to NFPA standards:

We provide you with paper and digital copies of all your test records, complete with full breakdowns and analyses for your review.

As Chief of my department I truly understand the often hectic and busy schedule that comes with the territory. Being a Chief Officer these days certainly can be challenging. Making sure the members are trained, completing paperwork, taking care of maintenance and list keeps growing and growing.

That is why I designed Safety First to be a “one stop shopping” for testing requirements. We have organized the business in a way you can make one phone call and your fire hose, SCBA bottles, ladders, and apparatus pumps are tested to the recognized standards.

Safety First Fire Equipment Testing, Inc. offers a 3-year hose, bottle and/or fire extinguisher testing contract that will lock in your discount price, years in advance.

At Safety First we are the professionals you can depend upon:

  • A professionally trained team will arrive at the testing site and will document the entire hose layout of each apparatus.
  • All hose will be removed from the apparatus (supply beds, pre-connects, hose bundles/rolls) and a visual inspection will be performed before testing each length of hose and assigned an Id number, for the use of recording its history.
  • All couplings and gaskets will be checked for damage and verified they are in place. If any are missing or damaged a new gasket will be provided.
  • All hose will be pressure tested for flaws as per NFPA 1962 (2008) edition and all results will be documented, per Id number, by our staff.
  • Once completed all hose will be reloaded per your department standards.
  • All failed hose will be removed from service and your department representative will be notified.
  • A CD version, written record of all hose testing results, and a complete hose inventory will be provided within 15 days of testing completion.