A.I Neural Network

A.I Engine

Field dataset learning | A.I neural engine

International Airport

Airport Vehicle Solution

Fleet Cloud S/W for Aircraft towing vehicle



Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future through ESG

Strongest distribution network


Fleet management



Airport Vehicles

We offer sophisticated solutions for the monitoring and control of diverse work vehicles and auxiliary aircraft within airport zones, ensuring the safety of drivers and personnel.


deep learning A.I solutions

Drawing on our extensive experience in monitoring and controlling commercial and special vehicles, we leverage vast datasets to offer the most advanced solution through A.I


Strongest products

By repeating over 5,000 hours of testing, we provide the best products at 'industrial level' that provide the most perfect performance even in harsh environments.

What we Offer

development | Production | Services

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High Quality Manufacturing

The products we design and manufacture ourselves are manufactured in South Korea in compliance with high quality regulations and production guidelines.

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Hardware Circuit Design

We provide powerful hardware circuit design and sensuous design that can deliver the best performance in a variety of environments.

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Software Development

The best products come from the perfect fusion of superior hardware and software. We develop the best software while developing hardware. Talk to us, experts in software development.

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Vehicle Fleet Services

General consumer products cannot properly manage the safety of industrial vehicles and drivers. Experience a smarter cloud fleet service with industrial-level products and expert A.I.


We offer our solutions to different industry sectors, from truck and bus, taxi, security guard, cash truck and more. Check the full list.

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    Airlines & Airport

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    Autonomous Vehicle

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    Public Transportaion

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    Energy, Oil and Gas

Industry Trends

our locations

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Korea Data Systems is headquartered in Incheon, South Korea, and operates an overseas branch in Western Cape, South Africa.

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