Home Global Suppliers Asiapacific South korea Seoul Processes - 2 Suppliers

Food Condiments & Sauces Oils; Vegetables; Bottled Food; Frozen Food; Chunghak F & C was Established in 1983 and located in Seoul Korea, we Mainly Processes Frozen Vegetable and Sesame / Perilla Oil and It's for Sale in the Domestic Market. as Chunghak F & C is Resemble to Nature and was Born from Nature, we Aim at Customer Service and Strengthen Sustainable Development to Meet the Customer's Needs. also Chunghak F & C is always Thinking the Health and Future for all of the Families, we Try to Become No.1 ...


  Seoul  South Korea  

 Seoul South Korea

We Think Laser, Lasers for Industry, the Mark of Excellence; the Ongoing Miniaturization of Electronics, Semiconductor and Medical Devices Opens Up Unique Possibilities for Lasers. Where Traditional Material Processes Reach their Limits, Lasers Open Up new Possibilities Due to Excellent Focussing and a Small Heat Affected Zone. Whether Metal, Plastics, Glass, Semiconductor Parts, Ceramics or Wood – Almost all Materials can be Marked with a Laser, with Speeds Up to 1,000 Characters Per Second. Today, Semiconductor Industry, Machine Parts ...


  Seoul  South Korea  

 Seoul South Korea
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