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Bio Kult is a Scientifically Developed, Advanced Multi Strain Formula Containing 14 Live Bacterial Cultures Proven to Survive the High Acidity of the Stomach. Bio Kult Does not need to be Refrigerated and can be taken Alongside Antibiotics, by Babies, Vegetarians, When Pregnant, and as part of a Healthy Diet. There are 3 other Products in the Range. Bio Kult Infantis, Formulated for Infants, Contains 7 Strains of Live Bacteria, Preplex, Omega 3 and Vitamin D3 to Contribute to the Normal Function, Vegetarian Foods ...


  Somerset  UK  

 Somerset UK

Health & Nutrition Natural Living; Natural; Natural Beauty & Spa; Health; Optibac Probiotics Specialise Entirely in Live Cultures. Our Expertise has Enabled us to Select Some of the World's most Clinically Trialled Strains to Formulate a Range you can Trust; this Year, We’Re Incredibly Excited to Launch our new Product: for Every Day Max. a Combination of 3 Strains: L. Acidophilus Ncfm, B. Lactis Hn019, and B. Lactis Bl 04, at a Dosage of 50 Billion Live Cultures Per Capsule. Opt for Quality, not, Vegetarian Foods ...




Bio Tiful Dairy is the Uk's Leading Brand of Kefir – Cultured Milk Drink which is Deliciously Refreshing and Packed with Billions of Gut Friendly Bacteria, Supporting Healthy Digestion, Metabolism and the Immune System. made with the Highest Quality Organic British Milk and Live Cultures, our Kefir is Lighter Probiotic than Yoghurt. Our new Kefir Super Smoothies are available in 2 Elegant Flavours and Recently Won the Good Choice! Quality Food Awards 2015, Vegetarian Foods ...


  London  UK  

 London UK

Ombar Makes Raw, Organic Chocolate with all Natural Ingredients and None of the Nasties. We’Ve taken Conventional Chocolate, Pulled it Apart, Thrown out the Bad Stuff, and Created a Healthier, Tastier Chocolate Bar. made with Raw Cacao and Live Cultures, and Free of Refined Sugar and Dairy, Ombar is Chocolate you can Feel Good About, Asphalt Equipment, Heavy Construction ...



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