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ViTel Net has pioneered a range of standards based and easily configurable telehealth & telemedicine solutions in the cloud allowing clinicians to remotely diagnose, treat and track patient health – regardless of geographic or time sensitive barriers. For over 20 years, our team has developed, hosted, deployed and supported enterprise scale solutions across the telehealth continuum of care. Integrating with EHRs, Building Material ...


Mclean  Virginia  USA  

Mclean Virginia USA

Orbita leverages voice assistant and AI technologies to improve remote patient monitoring, clinical education, care coordination and research. Developers use Orbita’s platform to design, build and manage digital and conversational solutions across multimodal, omni channel environments voice assistants, web sites, mobile phones. With Orbita, developers enable anyone, regardless of technical skill, to create ...


Boston  Massachusetts  USA  

Boston Massachusetts USA

Rock in Prevention in currently developing a social emotional intelligence curriculum called Rock Digi. Rock Digi is a trailblazing cultural arts experience that demonstrates how to support the emotional and academic success of all of our future leaders regardless of their academic, social or emotional blueprint. Rock Digi utilizes goal centered music and a teacher developed lesson that includes interactive ...


Des Moines  Iowa  USA  

Des Moines Iowa USA
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